Bozeman Revisited: The Anti-Modification Clause Chisels Away at Espinosa

Remember Mort. Corp. of the South v. Bozeman (In re Bozeman), 57 F. 4th 895 (11th Cir. 2023)? That was the recent 11th Circuit case previously reviewed by Lawrence Ahern on this site. It was the Chapter 13 version of The Perfect Storm.  The Debtor proposed to pay the principal balance of her mortgage ($17 . . .

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Chapter 13 Standing Trustee for the Western District of Virginia (Retired) (Charlottesville)

Herbert L. Beskin practiced consumer bankruptcy law for 25 years in Charlottesville before being appointed a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Trustee for the Western District of Virginia in 2003. He has been a Virginia CLE lecturer since 1993, has written articles for The Virginia Lawyer and The NACTT Academy’s website, and has taught law related courses at both the University of Virginia and Piedmont Virginia Community College. From 1991 to 1997 he served on the Board of Governors of the Bankruptcy Law Section of the Virginia State Bar. He has co-authored two chapters of the Virginia CLE publication Bankruptcy Practice in Virginia: Chapter 7 practice in the 1st edition with Douglas Little, and Chapter 13 practice in the 2nd and 3rd editions with Judge Rebecca Connelly.  Herb retired in 2023.

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