Who Is the Person Sitting at That Workstation? Contractor? Employee? Exempt?

Who is the person sitting at that workstation? Is it Noah Non-exempt? Is it Emma Exempt? Or, is it Connie Contractor? It is vital that I know who the person is sitting at that workstation.

Do I have to pay the person sitting at that workstation overtime pay? Can I reduce the person’s pay for leaving an hour early? Do I have to pay normal payroll taxes, provide workers’ compensation insurance, pay unemployment taxes, or include the person in company benefit programs?

I have led Compensation and Benefits seminars for those preparing to . . .

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Merideth Akers
CPA, PHR, Comptroller for Bradford W. Caraway (Birmingham, AL)

Merideth Akers has been the comptroller for David P. Rogers, D. Sims Crawford, and Bradford W. Caraway, Chapter, 13 Standing Trustees in Birmingham, Alabama, since 1999. Merideth graduated from Samford University with a major in Accounting and a minor in Economics. Merideth is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and a Professional in Human Resources (PHR). He has served as a seminar instructor in the fields of both Accounting and Human Resources, as well as being a facilitator for the NACTT Annual Meeting and Seminars and the NACTT Staff Symposiums. He is involved in several professional, civic, and educational organizations. For recreation Merideth enjoys golfing, backpacking, canoeing, hunting, fishing, boating, spending time at the beach, dining out with friends, attending his grandkid’s youth sporting events, and attending college sporting events. Merideth and his wife, Becky, have three married children and seven grandchildren.

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