The Change to Chapter 13 Law I’d Most Like to See?

A question recently presented to the NACTT Emeritus Trustees is “the change to chapter 13 law I’d most like to see?” Here is a summary of their responses. This question was presented by a reader. If you have a question for the Emeritus Trustees or Ms. Ps & Qs (ethics), please submit them here.

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Former Chapter 13 Standing Trustees

The NACTT Emeritus Trustee Committee is made up of former Chapter 13 Standing Trustees from all over the country: Michael Joseph, Isabel Balboa, Carl Bekofske, Herb Beskin, Chuck DeHart, Pete Fessenden, Mike Fitzgerald, Barb Foley, Nancy Grigsby, Mary Grossman, Jan Hamilton, James Henley, Howard Hu, Jan Johnson, Jeff Kellner, Tom King, John Logan, Judge Brian Lynch (retired), Mike Meyer, Bill Miller, Denise Pappalardo, Frank Pees, George Stevenson,  and Robert Wilson.

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