Hale Andrew Antico, Esq.

Bankruptcy Attorney in Los Angeles, CA


Hale Andrew Antico is honored to be chosen to serve his third term as President of cdcbaa, the largest association of Los Angeles bankruptcy attorneys dedicated to representing consumer debtors. Prior to that, he served as President of the Southern California Bankruptcy Inn of Court. He has been representing debtors filing Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy cases in the greater Los Angeles area for twenty years.

Articles by Hale Andrew Antico, Esq.

March 24, 2024
“. . . the law is so clear that of course it's not allowed. However, some courts have twisted themselves into pretzels to create a creditor right to postpetition unmatured interest.” The article explores this not so simple issue by examining relevant sections of the Bankruptcy Code and case law from various circuit courts.
December 17, 2023
Does a converted bankruptcy case restart the deadline for objections to exemptions? This is one of those articles that makes subscription to ConsiderChapter13.org “worth the price of admission”!
September 10, 2023
The Ninth Circuit BAP held that the chapter 13 debtors converted their case to Chapter 7 in good faith and therefore a post-petition inheritance was not property of the chapter 7 estate.
January 29, 2023
Ninth Circuit Bankruptcy Appellate Panel finds no “eligibility” exception to right to dismiss a Chapter 13 bankruptcy Powell vs TICO Construction (In re Powell) 644 B.R. 181 (9th Circuit BAP, 2022) ISSUE Did the bankruptcy court err in granting Debtor’s motion to dismiss the Chapter 13? RULING No. FACTS This case tests the new “absolute right to dismiss” rule about...
December 11, 2022
Intro: What is a Fulton ruling? When Chicago v Fulton (In re Fulton), 141 S Ct. 585 (Sup Ct, 2021) was first decided by the Supreme Court, there was a consensus among bankruptcy attorneys that the erosion of the automatic stay with regard to turnover was only about cars. That is, Fulton was a narrow ruling that was only about...
September 25, 2022
Sahni v. Tajima (In re Tajima) 2022 WL 3354006 (9th Cir. BAP Aug 15, 2022)(unpublished) S.Klein J ISSUE Did the Bankruptcy Court err when confirming Chapter 13 plan? RULING Yes. FACTS This case involves the tension of litigation in bankruptcy causing delay, and the need to get a Chapter 13 plan confirmed quickly. Here, there was a dispute between debtors...
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