Exemptions Part 2. Academy Editor & Advisor Wm. Houston Brown and notable bankruptcy expert Larry Ahern follow-up on the December 2013 Saving Homes and Stripping Liens webinar (below). Both Brown and Ahern are experts as they literally wrote the book: Bankruptcy Exemption Manual, 2013 ed. (West’s Bankruptcy Series). This webinar is designed for attorneys at an advanced level.
[FMP width=”640″ height=”360″]https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/consider-chapter-13-org/a_closer_look_at_recent_exemption_developments.flv[/FMP]
Below you can download the Webinar Handouts:
A Closer Look At Recent Exemption Developments
A Closer Look At Recent Exemption Developments – Powerpoint (3 slides per page)