Automatic Stay

Copy of Hildebrand-2016
January 8, 2023
Post-petition repossession of debtor’s automobile, deliberate indifference to debtor’s request for return and ignoring hearings before the Court merit not...
Copy of Hildebrand-2016
February 20, 2022
Bankruptcy Court found violation of automatic stay to be “technical”, thus no damages. Ninth Circuit BAP did not agree. Continuing...
July 11, 2021
Kara K. Gendron, Esquire, Mott & Gendron Law (Harrisburg, PA) A “kill switch” is a device which can be used...
June 28, 2020
By Lawrence R. Ahern III, Brown & Ahern (Nashville, TN) Introduction In In re Dao,1 Bankruptcy Judge Christopher Klein on...
June 21, 2020
By Academy Staff The Automatic Stay is one of the most fundamental aspects of the Bankruptcy Code, providing a Chapter...
February 23, 2020
By The Honorable John P. Gustafson, United States Bankruptcy Judge, Northern District of Ohio (Toledo) There are two legal battles...
February 9, 2020
By The Honorable John P. Gustafson Can a creditor refuse to do business with a debtor, or is such refusal...
June 30, 2019
By Lawrence R. Ahern III, Brown & Ahern (Nashville, TN) Introduction In In re Fulton,1 the Seventh Circuit has restated...
May 5, 2019
By Lawrence R. Ahern III, Brown & Ahern (Nashville, TN) Background Last year, the Ninth Circuit in In re Taggart1...
March 3, 2019
By Carri Hayden Johnson, Staff Attorney to O. Byron Meredith, Chapter 13 Trustee (Savannah, GA) The filing of a bankruptcy...
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