Recently Sadie Mehr, a summer intern for Pamela Simmons-Beasley (Chapter 13 Standing Trustee for the District of South Carolina), extrapolated the U.S. Census data and organized it into a spreadsheet. To the extent that the data was available, the spreadsheet shows the demographics of each federal judicial district. There are several demographic categories, such as race, gender, age, education, disability, veteran status, and in some jurisdictions where the information was available, generalized sexual orientation.
Ms. Mehr also broke down the information by State and U.S. Territory, and by both States with multiple judicial districts and States with only one judicial district.
The spreadsheet, in its entirety, can be found on the website of the National Association of Chapter Thirteen Trustees (NACTT). Click on Resources → Inclusion & Acceptance Resources → Links, Templates & Tool kits. The 2020 Census Data for All Districts can be found on the left side of the page under the headline “Links”. It will pop up in your downloads.
Please take the time to view the demographics of your own constituency to gain a better understanding of who we serve. Thank you, Ms. Mehr – Well done!!!