Artificial Intelligence in Bankruptcy Law: A Modern Legal Frontier

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a transformative force across various industries, including legal practice, where it offers numerous advantages and some challenges. This article explores the different types of AI, its potential uses in bankruptcy law, and the necessary precautions attorneys must take to avoid ethical pitfalls.

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Managing Bankruptcy Attorney for McMichael Taylor Gray, LLC

Todd Rich is the Managing Bankruptcy Attorney for McMichael Taylor Gray, LLC, a creditor’s rights firm serving clients throughout the Southeast, Mid-Atlantic, and New York. Originally from Huntsville, Alabama, Todd has lived in Virginia since high school, and earned his bachelor’s degree from the University of Virginia and law degree from the University of Richmond. He and his wife live in Richmond, Virginia, and spend as much time as they can traveling, camping, and being entertained by grandchildren.

Member and Co-founder of Financial Freedom Legal, PLC

Stephen F. Relyea, Financial Freedom Legal, PLC / Richmond, VA.  Steve is a member and co-founder of Financial Freedom Legal, PLC, where his practice focuses on protecting the rights of consumers in bankruptcy proceedings. He has presented and authored articles on a variety of bankruptcy and consumer protection topics. Steve is admitted to practice before the United States Bankruptcy and District Courts for the Eastern and Western District of Virginia and the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. He serves on the Executive Committee for the Richmond Bar Association, Bankruptcy Section, and he is also a member of the American Bankruptcy Institute and the Old Dominion Bar Association. Steve received his J.D. from the Wake Forest University School of Law and his B.A. from George Mason University.

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