Judge Brian Lynch to Retire

Say it isn’t so!!!!! The bankruptcy community bids farewell to Judge Brian Lynch, a devoted jurist leaving a lasting impact on Chapter 13. Known for his advocacy and leadership, Judge Lynch's retirement marks the departure of a stalwart champion of bankruptcy law reform and education, leaving behind a legacy of compassion, humor, and dedication to improving the system.

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Chapter 13 Standing Trustee for the Northern District of California, Oakland Division

Martha G. Bronitsky is the Chapter 13 Standing Trustee for the Northern District of California, Oakland Division. She was appointed in June 1995. She oversees an office of 33 staff members and administers over 10,000 cases. Prior to her appointment she was Vice-President/Counsel at Home Savings of America where she oversaw all Northern California bankruptcy matters. She is also a former Deputy District Attorney for the County of San Mateo. Ms. Bronitsky graduated from UCLA with an undergraduate degree in political science and the University of Maryland School of Law. Ms. Bronitsky is a Past-President of the National Association of Chapter 13 Trustees, Past-President of the San Mateo County Women Lawyers Educational Foundation and Past- President of the San Mateo County Bar Association. She is very active in the Rotary Club of Foster City.

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