How My Law Firm Learned to Stop Leaving Money on the Table Part 3 – Valuable Lessons Learned in Automatic Stay Litigation

Bankruptcy has been the focus of the Boleman Law Firm’s 30+ year history, but my law partners and I believed it was important for our firm’s long-term health to add a new practice area that would be complimentary to bankruptcy. Even though we were filing almost 250 new Chapter 7 and 13 cases every month before the pandemic, most of us remembered the lean times of 2006 and 2007, when bankruptcy filings (along with bankruptcy firms) plummeted following the 2005 amendments to the Code. Thus, in 2016, the firm made a big commitment so that I . . .

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Consumer Litigation Associates, Newport News, VA

Mark C. Leffler is a federal civil litigator with Consumer Litigation Associates, a nationally recognized leader in consumer advocacy based in Virginia. Mark has spent most of his career litigating in Bankruptcy Court, including bringing numerous actions against debt collectors, mortgage companies, and predatory lenders in bankruptcy. He is President of the NACTT Academy for Consumer Bankruptcy Education, is a frequent author for the NACTT Academy’s webzine at, and has served as a panelist at numerous annual conferences of the National Association of Chapter Thirteen Trustees (NACTT). Mark is AV® rated by Martindale Hubbell, he was selected for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America for his work in bankruptcy and debtor rights, and he is a frequent speaker and author on bankruptcy matters for Virginia CLE programs. Mark is a native of Williamsburg, Virginia, and he received his law degree from Duquesne University School of Law in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is a member of the National Association of Consumer Advocates, Virginia State Bar, Bankruptcy Section, and the Richmond Bankruptcy Bar Association.

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