Back in May, the Academy introduced you to author-extraordinaire Elizabeth A. Vaughan. “Beth” is staff attorney to Chapter 13 Trustee John P. Gustafson. She is the author of not one, not two but SEVEN published works of fiction. Her first book, Warprize, begins the Chronicles of the Warlands. Warsworn (featured here) is the second book in the series. The books are based on the mantra that the only good stories are the ones with gratuitous swords or lasers; not to mention dragons. Click here to read more . . .


elizabethvaughanElizabeth A. Vaughan is the author of ‘Warprize’, the first book in the Chronicle of the Warlands. She’s had seven books published since 2005, along with numerous short stories. She still believes that the only good movies are the ones with gratuitous swords or lasers. Not to mention dragons.

She is also an attorney, practicing in the areas of financial matters and bankruptcy. She current works as Staff Attorney to Chapter 13 Trustee John P. Gustafson.

At the present, she is owned by two incredibly spoiled cats and lives in the Northwest Territory, on the outskirts of the Black Swamp, along Mad Anthony’s Trail on the banks of the Maumee River.

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